
Ensuring Clean Streams at Jay Peak

In 2004, the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) found that Jay Branch and Tributary 9 of Jay Branch were “impaired” by sediment pollution, meaning the streams failed to meet applicable minimum state water quality standards for aquatic life. Elevated sediment runoff into streams can negatively impact the habitat of fish and other aquatic organisms. Though various Water Quality Remediation Plans were approved by the Department to improve water quality over the following decade, the streams remained impaired.

In 2014 VNRC, represented by the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic of Vermont Law School, appealed the Department’s issuance of new stormwater discharge permits to Jay Peak. As a result of the appeal, the parties engaged in settlement discussions to craft a clean-up plan that would require additional measures to provide for attainment of Vermont’s Water Quality Standards within a specified timeframe.

Our work resulted in an innovative agreement between VNRC, Jay Peak Resort, and DEC to improve water quality and protect streams adjacent to the fast-growing, four-season ski resort in northern Vermont. It required Jay Peak to follow an aggressive compliance schedule for stream restoration, and offset any sediment discharges so there would be no net increase of pollution into impaired streams.

Our Victories

Honey bee closeup on sunflower

Protecting Pollinators from Harmful Pesticides

Solar Panel on flooded field

Improving Flood Resilience

VCV's Executive Director, Lauren Hierl, speaks at the launch of the Make Big Oil Pay campaign in Burlington

Making Big Oil Pay

Solar panels and sun reflection under dramatic sky

Committing to 100% Renewable Electricity by 2035

Girl drinking water

Removing Lead Fixtures from Schools

State house in fall with people on lawn

Furthering Environmental Justice

Advancing the Global Warming Solutions Act

Removing Derelict Dams

Strengthening Act 250

VNRC has been very effective in creating change in this area.

Fighting PFAS and Toxic Contamination

Protecting the Land and Views at Exit 4

Guiding Municipalities to Implement Act 171

Forming and Supporting Energy Committees

Protecting the LaPlatte River Marsh Wetlands

Promoting Statewide Dam Safety

Preserving Downtown Bennington

Convening the Forest Roundtable

Creating Statewide Precedent on Biomass Electricity

Protecting Black Bear Habitat at Parker’s Gore

Securing Clean Water Funding

Maintaining Current Use

Banning Billboards

Declaring Groundwater a Public Trust