Climate Dispatch—January 15, 2021: Transportation Modernization Act

In this week’s Climate Dispatch, we speak with Rep. Becca White about the Transportation Modernization Act that has been drafted in the House Transportation Committee. This bill contains a variety of ideas for climate friendly changes in our transportation system, including electric vehicle incentives, fare free public transit, and many more. Rep. White shares the background of how the bill was developed, some of the key takeaways from the bill.

Call to Action: Tune in to the next Climate Council Meeting on January 25th. Find more information here.

Given the unfortunate threats of violence at State Capitols in the coming week, please stay home and stay safe. Knowing that many of us feel compelled to make our voices heard to defend our democracy, we are asking folks to refrain from counter protesting in person, and instead use digital tools to safely speak up in these tumultuous times.