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VNRC’s Johanna Miller to serve on Governor Scott’s Climate Change Commission

Today, Governor Phil Scott will sign an Executive Order creating the Climate Action Commission. With a focus on affordability and the economy, the Commission will identify steps Vermont must take to achieve our renewable energy and greenhouse gas pollution reduction goals.

VNRC is excited to announce that Johanna Miller, VNRC’s Energy & Climate Program Director, will serve on the Commission.

“Climate change is an urgent environmental challenge, but our response to it could provide the greatest economic opportunity Vermont has ever seen,” said Miller. “I’m committed to making sure we seize that opportunity by focusing on public policy and substantive action, and ensuring all Vermonters benefit from the solutions we must advance. I look forward to working with the Scott administration and fellow members of the Commission to ensure this effort succeeds.”

Last month, Governor Scott joined Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger, business leaders, municipal officials, VNRC, and dozens of others in a commitment for the state to follow through on the international Paris Climate Agreement and Vermont’s more ambitious climate and clean energy goals of an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and utilizing 90 percent renewable energy by 2050.

“The creation of the Vermont Climate Action Commission is an important step toward ensuring Vermont puts the policies, programs, and strategies in place to meet Vermont’s climate and clean energy goals,” said VNRC Executive Director Brian Shupe. “That will require a deep focus on smart land use, transportation, heating, and electric solutions that dramatically reduce carbon pollution and put Vermonters to work making the needed transition away from our reliance on fossil fuels.”

In early June, VNRC joined 12 other low-income, business, and environmental organizations to call on Gov. Scott to take serious action on climate change following the abdication of federal leadership on this pressing issue. Creating a climate commission was among those requests. “VNRC appreciates the Governor’s quick action and appreciates the opportunity to join the Commission to identify the policies and approaches that will achieve the our state’s energy and climate goals, help spur economic development, grow jobs, foster short- and long-term affordability, and ensure all Vermonters benefit from the clean energy transition,” stated Miller.