Due to an unforeseen conflict, the open house and reception have been postponed to a later date. Please stay tuned for more details.
Thursday, May 19th
5:00 – 7:00 PM (brief welcome and comments will be at 6:00 PM)
11 Baldwin Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
RSVPs are appreciated but not required. Please RSVP to Alex Connizzo: aconnizzo@vnrc.org
We look forward to opening our doors to supporters, partners, and members to celebrate the completion of a two-year project to renovate a historic home into a sustainable office and meeting space just a few hundred feet from the State House. Affectionately known as the “Gibson House” in honor of its former inhabitants, we prioritized energy efficiency, weatherization, solar power, water quality, and green building materials in the retrofit. We envision the space as a hub for climate and environmental action in Vermont.
During the opening, we are also honored to present the work of local artist Linda Mirabile.
The Berlin-based Mirabile, whose depictions of the white-tailed deer and common loon can be seen on our state’s conservation license plates, has brought in a number of avian-inspired paintings for an exhibit that will be on display at our new office until June 30, 2022. Painting in acrylic on both paper and wood panels, her larger-than-life portraits, including the ones featured here, capture both the natural beauty and personality of some of our state’s unique bird species. In recognition of the declining populations of many wildlife species due to habitat destruction, pesticide use, and illegal hunting and trapping, Mirable donates 10% of her sales to conservation organizations working to save the species portrayed in her pieces.
Please join us between 5:00 and 7:00 pm on Thursday, May 19, for the opening reception of this exhibit. Linda will be on hand to talk about her artistic process and inspiration. Light refreshments will be provided. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, all visitors will be required to wear a mask while indoors.

We hope that this will be the first in a series of rotating quarterly exhibits at VNRC, and we sincerely thank Linda for all her assistance and expertise in helping us establish this venue, which will also be a part of the next Montpelier Art Walk on June 3rd. We encourage interested artists to reach out to learn more about future exhibits.