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Upcoming Sustainable Communities Events, Resources, and Opportunities

Sustainable communities that are inclusive, diversified, and connected are key to strengthening the resilience of Vermonters in the face of environmental, economic, and social change. Your voice is a crucial part of achieving this vision for Vermont’s communities.

VCRD Communtiy Leadership Summit

Category: Event
Date: August 6, 2024
Description: This event will be an opportunity to dig into what it takes for a community to thrive – capacity, economic vitality, emergency preparedness, youth engagement, inclusion, engagement, and more – and will offer a diverse range of topics tailored to support and connect people in all aspects of local vitality and resilience. Through workshops, panels, and networking sessions, attendees will gain insights to drive local initiatives, build connections and resources, and exchange success stories and best practices. Register Today!

Community Foundation – Nonprofit Capacity Building Grants

Category: Funding Opportunity

Date: Rolling

Description: Grants of up to $5,000 are available to fund activities that increase the effectiveness and sustainability of nonprofit organizations.

Mobility and Transportation Innovations (MTI) Grant Program

Category: Funding Opportunity
Date: September 16, 2024
Description: The MTI Grant program is designed to support innovative strategies and projects that improve mobility and access to services for transit-dependent Vermonters, reduce the use of single occupancy vehicles, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Grants range from $10k-$250k.

Community Tree Planting Grants

Category: Funding Opportunity
Date: January 17, 2025
Description: Grants available for community projects that help increase urban tree canopy and improve water quality and public health by controlling stormwater. 

Vermont Statewide Conservation Conference

Category: Event
Date: October 7, 2024
Description: The 2024 Vermont Conservation Conference will convene in the wake of a unique conservation moment. This involves conserving 30% of our land and waters by 2030, protecting an ecologically functional landscape, mitigating the effects of climate change, supporting healthy and resilient working lands, and advancing environmental justice. 

This conference aims to make space for the conservation community across Vermont to meet, share resources, and foster discussions regarding collaborative, strategic, and informed conservation work and planning.

Municipal Planning Grants

Category: Funding Opportunity 
Date: Opens July, 2024
Description: The MPG program works to strengthen Vermont communities by funding local planning initiatives. A wide range of municipal planning and implementation activities are eligible for funding with a small local match of 10%. Individual towns may apply, or joint applications from several municipalities can be submitted. The grant program is administered by the VT Department of Housing & Community Development. Questions? Contact Jacob Hemmerick (802) 828-5249 Jacob.Hemmerick@vermont.gov

Flood Resilient Communities Fund

Category: Funding Opportunity
Date: Rolling;
Description: Flood Resilient Communities Fund (FRCF) was established by the Vermont Legislature under Act 74 with the intent of improving landscape and community resilience and reducing the future public safety and water quality impacts of climate-related flood hazards in Vermont, focusing on buyouts of flood-vulnerable properties. This is a voluntary program that will prioritize projects in communities and/or for homeowners with greatest economic need and projects that mitigate repetitive loss among low-income and marginalized portions of the population. 

Healthy Communities Toolbox

Category: Resource
Description: The Vermont Healthy Communities Toolbox includes the Small Towns, Healthy Places podcast, guidance for community engagement, health equity and community design resources, and much more!

Intersections Initiative

Category: Funding Opportunity & Technical Assistance
Description: The Intersections Initiative helps build capacity to apply for infrastructure funding to support active and public transportation projects and identify the policies and practices that make
this a reality. In addition to the technical assistance offered by this program, the initiative has also developed an extremely useful funding sheet for bike/pedestrian infrastructure.

Better Places

Category: Funding Opportunity 
Date: Projects are accepted on a rolling basis while funding lasts
Description: If you are thinking of more parks and green spaces, a vibrant main street, public art projects, and community gardens, Better Places grants can help. Launched in 2022, Better Places is a non-competitive, community matching grant program empowering Vermonters to create inclusive and vibrant public places serving Vermont’s designated downtowns, village centers, new town centers, or neighborhood development areas. The program is supported by VT Department of Housing & Community Development, VT Department of Health, and VT Community Foundation. 

High Street Mural in Brattleboro; seed funding provided by VNRC’s Small Grants for Smart Growth!

Community Heart & Soul 

Category: Funding Opportunity 
Date: Projects are accepted on a rolling basis 
Description:  The Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program is uniquely designed for small cities and towns (population 2,500-30,000). Successful applicants will receive $10,000 grants to match funding from a participating municipality or a partnering organization.

Read the Grant Guidelines for more information.

Special and Urgent Needs (SUN)

Category: Funding Opportunity

Date: Rolling; Requests related to storms and flooding relief will receive priority review, and applicants requesting funding for this purpose will be notified of grant decisions within 7-10 business days. 

Description: The SUN grant from the Vermont Community Foundation helps Vermont nonprofits with unexpected expenses that impact their ability to meet their mission. A SUN grant can help an organization manage an unbudgeted, unforeseen, and time-sensitive emergency or take advantage of an unanticipated opportunity that will enhance its work. For storms and flooding relief, organizations may request up to $2,500.