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Two Things: Fantastic Floodplains Art Walk and Supreme Court Ruling on the Clean Water Act

Two things: An invitation to join us this Friday for Art Walk, and an update on last week’s Supreme Court decision that puts wetlands at risk.  

Stay informed, stay connected—two things.

VNRC Presents “Fantastic Floodplains” by Gretchen Alexander, at Montpelier Art Walk this Friday, June 2nd

This Friday, June 2, VNRC will host a reception for Gretchen Alexander in conjunction with Montpelier Art Walk. Alexander’s exhibit, “Fantastic Floodplains,” is a collection of watercolor and acrylic paintings that highlight the importance and beauty of floodplains, sensitive ecosystems that also play a vital role in protecting water quality and mitigating flooding and erosion. Bridging science and art, the show is inspired by her long career as a river ecologist. Doors will be open to the public from 4:00 to 7:30 pm.  Light refreshments will be served. Learn more here

Supreme Court Ruling in Sackett vs. EPA Puts Wetlands Around the Country at Risk

The United States Supreme Court issued a decision last week in Sackett vs. EPA that substantially narrows the Clean Water Act by ruling that only wetlands with a continuous connection to larger bodies of water are protected under federal law. The decision will leave many ecologically important wetlands unprotected throughout the country, and rolls back protections that have safeguarded our waters for more than 50 years. Fortunately, Vermont waters will likely not lose protection as a result of this decision because our state has even stronger protections for wetlands than the Clean Water Act. But this decision puts wetlands in many parts of the country at risk, and demonstrates how important it is to have robust water quality protection programs at the state level. Read VNRC’s full statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling in Sackett vs. EPA here