Three things: Protecting our waterways from toxics, smart growth housing, and an opportunity to help shape transportation!
Stay informed, connected, and engaged—three things.
Bill on updating program that allows the use of pesticides in Vermont’s waters to control aquatic nuisances headed for vote in key House Committee on Friday — please urge them to support the bill!
H.31, a bill that places a moratorium on the use of pesticides in Vermont waters to control the use of aquatic nuisances is headed for a vote in the House Energy and Environment Committee on Friday. VNRC testified in support of the bill that places a moratorium on the use of pesticides in Vermont waters except under extreme circumstances while a legislative study group develops updates and changes to the program. There is significant opposition to the bill. Accordingly it is important for VNRC members to let Committee members know that you support H.31.

Housing bill voted out of key committee
S.100, a bill to advance housing for all Vermonters passed with amendments out of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy (SNRE) yesterday on a 4-1 vote. We testified that a holistic approach to sustainable development is needed to support housing development in designated areas, while also ensuring that natural resources are protected from sprawl.
We continue to support provisions in the bill that will increase density in municipalities. However, we are still concerned about the impacts of Act 250 exemptions being established before studies addressing balanced updates to Act 250 are completed later this year. SNRE took important steps in the right direction to narrow Act 250 exemptions, although more work is needed. We will continue to work on a dual track that addresses the simultaneous housing, climate and biodiversity crises in ways that don’t address one at the expense of the other.
VTrans needs to hear about your transportation experiences — next Thursday
Share your transportation experiences as the Agency of Transportation considers the most cost effective and equitable programs and strategies to reduce transportation carbon emissions. This is an important opportunity to shape VTrans’ priorities, including supporting walking and biking, transit, vehicle electrification, and traffic congestion mitigation. Two virtual meetings will be help next Thursday, 3/23 at noon and 6PM. The Zoom link will be posted on VTrans’ website on the day of the meetings.
Ps. Join Orvis at their Fly Fishing School Building in Manchester Center on Monday, March 27th from 5:30-7:30PM for an update on the Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative, and a panel discussion on coldwater conservation and restoration. VNRC’s Restoration Ecologist, Karina Daily, will be on the panel. Learn more about what YOU can do to support this important work!