Three things: Introducing our new VHCB Americorps Community Energy Coordinator, inviting you to a Community Conversation in Johnson, and celebrating Transportation Demand Management week!
Stay informed, connected, and engaged—three things.
Meet our Newest Staff Member: Welcome Magali!
We’re excited to welcome our new VHCB Americorps Community Energy Coordinator! We’ve asked her to introduce herself in her own words, “Hello everyone! My name is Magali Stowell Alemán (she/her), and I’m excited to be joining VNRC/VECAN as the Community Energy Coordinator for the next year. I grew up in the Okemo Valley in southern Vermont and graduated from the University of Vermont in 2022 with a B.S. in Community and International Development. I currently live in Burlington and am pursuing my Master’s in Public Administration. I love to hike, read, and find new creemee places to try around Vermont! I’m excited to start working with you all to find solutions to the climate crisis within our communities. Please do not hesitate to reach out at any moment. Email me anytime at” Welcome Magali!
Join us for a Community Conversation on Clean Water & Climate Resilience in Johnson!
We invite you to join us for a Community Conversation on Clean Water and Climate Resilience at Jenna’s House in Johnson on Tuesday, September 26th. As we work towards repairing the damage caused by the recent flooding, it’s important that we explore ways to increase Vermont’s resiliency to major flooding events. We know that there are preventative solutions available to protect people’s lives and prevent future disasters, and now is the time to collaborate with the legislature to transform these possibilities into reality. This event will provide a space for meaningful discussions among community members, legislators, and local experts in the field, aiming to identify the necessary policy shifts that will protect our communities from future disasters and ensure clean water resources for everyone’s enjoyment. Let’s come together, share our insights, and work towards building a stronger and more prepared community in the face of future challenges.
We’re Celebrating Transportation Demand Management Week!
Join us in celebrating Transportation Demand Management Week across Vermont! Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is all about optimizing our transportation systems for better mobility, less traffic congestion, and reduced vehicle emissions. TDM is a crucial path towards achieving Vermont’s Carbon Reduction goals, focusing on reducing single-occupancy vehicles on the road. This includes enhancing public transit, pedestrian and bike-friendly street designs, supporting bike and car sharing services, promoting carpooling and vanpooling, and creating convenient park and ride lots. TDM prioritizes people-centric solutions, uniting efforts across the state to reduce solo commuting. Don’t miss all of the TDM Week events happening around the state!