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WEBINAR on January 9: JOIN US For a Legislative Look Forward on Clean Energy and Climate Opportunities

Vermont continues to fall short in meeting our emissions reduction requirements, as well as our resilience and adaptation goals, but a new legislative biennium offers tremendous opportunity. Buoyed by an electoral mandate from Vermonters, lawmakers can help ensure Vermont takes concrete steps this legislative session to accelerate bold, equitable climate action at the scale and pace the transformation requires. 

Join us for a webinar at noon on January 9th to hear how the recent election has changed the landscape and makeup of the Vermont State House, and some key steps the new legislature can take on climate. Get an update on anticipated new (or improved) policies likely to be considered this session, including affordable, cleaner heat, a modernized Renewable Energy Standard for our electricity sector, opportunities to continue to make our transportation system more clean, multi-modal and accessible to all, and more! There will be opportunity to ask and get your questions answered, as well as find out how you can stay engaged as the Legislature’s work ramps up. 

Please plan to join us at noon on January 9th – and spread the word!