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H.289: A Proposed Bill to Repeal Affordable Climate Initiatives

The House Republican Minority Leader, Patricia McCoy (R-Poultney) has introduced H.289 to nullify the requirements of Vermont’s Renewable Energy Standard and the Global Warming Solutions Act, Vermont’s foundational climate legislation.

Here’s what you need to know

  1. Passing H.289 would roll back nearly a decade of hard-fought, carefully considered, and inclusive negotiations on our commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    • It removes agreed upon obligations created based on Governor Scott’s commitment to the Paris Accord in 2017.
  2. H.289 threatens the solar industry and the thousands of skilled workers it employs. 
    • The solar industry in Vermont currently employs 5600+ Vermonters and has brought in $75-$100 million to the Vermont economy. H.289 would push more solar development out of state, and force solar projects to be rejected over routine grid upgrades. 
  3. H.289 prioritizes nuclear power over the use of renewables. Nuclear energy isn’t renewable – and any nuclear power generated would come from out of state, outsourcing our energy workforce and accompanying economic benefits. 
  4. Repealing the Global Warming Solutions Act removes citizens from decision making regarding the future of our state by gutting the climate council of key members,
    • While Vermonters struggle with recurring floods, H.289 would remove the expert on climate-disaster resilience and natural disaster response from the council. 
    • While the council’s primary charge is developing plans to reduce climate pollution, the bill would also eliminate the seat on the council for someone with expertise in designing and implementing “programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
    • The Scott Administration is attempting to consolidate decision making to his appointed administrators, limiting accountability to Vermonters.
  5. H.289 removes any recourse for citizens to hold their government accountable to meeting its climate commitments.
    • When our ability to hold our federal government accountable wanes by the day, our state needs to protect its citizens’ rights to steer the ship. 
    • The Global Warming Solutions Act allows a judge to require climate action – not penalties. Removing citizens’ rights to hold their state to account turns binding law into a recommendation. 
  6. H.289’s central climate “action” is taking 18 months to make yet another plan – which would be released right after the next election.
    • Under the Global Warming Solutions Act , the Climate Council adopted Vermont’s Climate Action Plan in 2021. That plan is already being updated right now. And Gov Scott’s earlier Climate Commission also came out with a plan in 2018. Creating a parallel commission to the Climate Action Council tasked with creating a plan to address climate is not the answer – and not action at all. 
    • Wasting 18 months on yet another plan is just kicking the can down the road. The costs of delay are higher than the costs of getting the job done. 
  7. H.289 includes no new investment in energy or climate solutions for Vermonters.
    • H.289 only re-allocates money already in energy and climate programs to other programs, robbing Peter to pay Paul without any net benefit to Vermonters.

If you have questions or need more information please contact Dan Fingas dfingas@vermontconservationvoters.org or Johanna Miller jmiller@vnrc.org

Read more about this bill in an analysis from our friends over at the Conservation Law Foundation: