Climate Dispatch—February 5, 2021: Climate Council & Environmental Common Agenda

In this week’s Climate Dispatch, we’re joined by Energy Action Network Executive Director Jared Duval for an update on the work of the Vermont Climate Council.

Vermont Conservation Voters Executive Director Lauren Heirl also provides an overview of the Vermont Environmental Common Agenda, your guide to this year’s legislative priorities for the environment. Find it here.

Call to action

The Vermont Climate Council is currently standing up subcommittees to support the work of developing a Climate Action Plan to meet our state’s climate commitments. We want to hear your suggestions for individuals with relevant expertise, experiences, and/or perspective that could strengthen this important work!

As a reminder, the subcommittees are: 
1) Rural Resilience and Adaptation 
2) Cross-Sector Mitigation
3) Just Transitions
4) Agriculture and Ecosystems
5) Science and Data

If you know of people who would be valuable additions to a subcommittee or are interested in serving yourself, please fill out this survey. The submission deadline has been extended to Thursday, February 11th at 9pm.