Climate Dispatch: April 1, 2022: Critical Climate Investments in the Budget

Today’s Episode

In today’s Climate Dispatch, VCV’s Shelden Goodwin and VNRC’s Greta Hasler discuss the FY 23 budget, H.740, which was recently passed by the Vermont House of Representatives with unprecedented investments in climate action and resilience, and will help Vermonters reduce their energy costs, their reliance on expensive and polluting fossil fuels, and much more. The FY 23 budget is now under consideration in the Senate, where we hope Senators will hold the line on — or strengthen — the House’s strong investments in climate action.

This level of commitment to climate action is essential and long overdue. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report has signaled a dire warning about our global future and the consequences of inaction – something underscored by the recent, harmful geopolitics demonstrating the high costs of remaining dependent on imported fossil fuels. 

Please take a moment to sign our petition to ensure the Senate secures the necessary funds to implement the Climate Action Plan and meet Vermont’s climate pollution reduction requirements. This petition is also being shared by many of our partners in the ActOnClimateVT Coalition. In a few weeks, our coalition will combine the signatures in a letter to all Vermont Senators.

Sign the Petition Here

Please support the package of more than $200 million in critical climate investments that were included in the House-passed budget and transportation bills, which will help cut climate pollution and advance equity. These investments must include, at a minimum:

              • $80 million for low- and moderate-income weatherization;

              • $20 million for low- and moderate-income electrical upgrades;

              • $5 million for heat pump water heaters for low- and moderate-income Vermonters;

              • $48.4 million for municipal energy resilience in H.518;

              • $19.25 million for electric vehicle charging infrastructure;

              • $22 million to support electric and efficient vehicles;

              • $2 million for energy storage and load management; and

              • $5 million for advanced metering infrastructure.

This set of investments will be crucial to implementing the state’s recently-adopted Climate Action Plan and meeting our statutorily-required climate pollution reduction targets. These investments will also help Vermonters access more affordable clean energy options to get around, electrify, and heat and weatherize our homes, and help our municipalities improve their energy resilience.

Now is the time to let your Senators know you support bold climate action and hope they will support the unprecedented level of investment included in H.740. Strong support in the Senate will show that Vermont is ready to do the hard work necessary to meet our climate action requirements.