Climate Dispatch: Apr. 19: Advancing Energy Policy Priorities with Rep. Laura Sibilia

This week, we saw lots of movement in our priority climate bills! The House Committee on Environment and Energy passed three priority bills: the Climate Superfund Act (S.259), the Miscellaneous Public Utility Commission (PUC) bill (S.305) and the Flood Safety Act (S.213). Each of these bills will head to other committees before they come before the full House for a vote.

  • The Climate Superfund Act will hold the largest fossil fuel companies responsible for helping pay for the damage their products are causing.
  • The Miscellaneous PUC bill was amended to include an energy cost stabilization study, and a path for municipalities to build thermal energy network projects. These two provisions are important to help ensure that our energy transition is equitable, and that we are embracing a wider range of available climate solutions.
  • Finally, the Flood Safety Act is a crucial step to reduce future flood risks by enhancing river corridor and wetland protections, and improving dam safety.

In the Senate, the Natural Resources & Energy Committee passed the Act 250 modernization bill (H.687) on a 5-0 vote. This bill makes several important updates to Act 250 in a way that balances the needs of protecting our environment while making it easier to build much-needed housing in smart growth locations.

Today’s Episode

On this week’s Climate Dispatch, we speak to Representative Laura Sibilia (I-Dover) about her work on the House Energy & Environment Committee on a slate of energy priorities – including the ongoing process the Clean Heat Standard (Act 18) is undertaking at the PUC.

You can stay up-to-date on the Clean Heat Standard process at the PUC through the Equity Advisory Group and the Technical Advisory Group.

Call to Action

The PUC needs to hear from you about the Clean Heat Standard!  Join a public input session on May 7th or June 6th by signing up here.  Let the PUC know that we need cleaner heating sources for our homes to reduce carbon pollution and give Vermonters more affordable options.