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Two Things: Reflecting on the 2023 Floods and 2024 Vermont Community Leadership Summit

Two things: VNRC reflects on the devastating floods of 2023 on its one year anniversary and VNRC Sustainability Program Director Kati Gallagher will be facilitating the Modernizing Act 250 – Collaborating to Create Livable Communities panel at Vermont Council on Rural Development’s Vermont Community Leadership Summit 2024.

Stay informed, stay connected – two things. 

VNRC Reflects on the Devastating Floods of 2023

One year ago this week, as our staff convened for a strategy session at our office in Montpelier, rain lashed the windows, and phone alerts kept us abreast of weather conditions and road closures. This storm felt different than a typical summer rain, and the rainfall predictions ballooned overnight to proportions not seen since Hurricane Irene 12 years before. The Winooski River was already considerably higher than usual, and water was bubbling up through the storm drains on Bailey Avenue at 9 am. We ultimately called the meeting to an early close, and headed to our various corners of the state, in what proved to be a timely decision to get home before the rising floodwaters blocked the roads.

As are many Vermonters, we are reflecting on last summer’s floods with mixed emotions — gratitude to live in a state where neighbors help each other out and aren’t afraid to get our hands dirty; pride that we’ve been able to rebound as much as we have in one year; fear for the inevitable coming climate disasters; and resolve that the recovery isn’t finished and that there’s much yet to be done to prepare for future storms

2024 Vermont Community Leadership Summit Aug 6th

Registration has opened for the 2024 Vermont Community Leadership Summit: Forge Forward, Thrive Together! The event will take place on Tuesday, August 6th at Vermont State University in Randolph, Vermont, and is hosted by the Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD).

Join hundreds of community builders from across the state to build skills, capacity, and connections – and forge forward towards a thriving and resilient future for all. This year’s event offers a range of topics tailored to support people working on all aspects of local vitality and resilience – capacity, economic vitality, emergency preparedness, youth engagement, inclusion, and more. Attendees can participate in any session, or follow optional “Participation Pathways” of Climate Resilience and Long-term Recovery; Youth Leadership and Engagement; or Understanding and Solving Our Persistent Challenges. 

See the full agenda and sliding-scale registration (including signing up for lunch and accessibility accommodations) at vtrural.org/summit. All who are interested in supporting their community and the future of the state are welcome and encouraged to attend!