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Climate Action Works Webinar Series

Thanks to everyone who attended! Find the recording here.

VNRC is pleased to introduce—with our partners in the #ActOnClimateVT coalition—the Climate Action Works Webinar Series! The first installment will take place on Wednesday, March 10 at 6:30pm, with special guest Kiah Morris, Movement Politics Director at Rights and Democracy (RAD). Register here.

Come hear Morris in conversation with Ben Edgerly Walsh, Climate and Energy Program Director at VPIRG. They will discuss what equity means in the context of the climate movement, with a focus on how Vermont can ensure our transition to a clean energy economy can work to uplift all Vermonters and create just outcomes. 

Each installment of the Climate Action Works Webinar Series will highlight a different aspect of the work currently underway by the Climate Council. The Council is developing a plan for meeting the emission reduction mandates required by the Global Warming Solutions Act, which became law last fall. Learn more about the Climate Council here.

Sign up here for the webinar and reach out if you have any questions.