Today marks a milestone day for Vermont’s forests and forestland owners. H.857 – a bill to promote forest integrity, which garnered strong support in the legislature, is now law.
Many aspects of this bill are the culmination of years of work and we couldn’t have done it without the support of our members, activists, and partners.
The bill takes several positive steps to promote our forest economy and the health and viability of our forests. It will elevate the importance of maintaining intact forests and wildlife habitat through local and regional planning, create incentives for landowners to donate land for public use, and identify strategies to help landowners plan for the long-term stewardship and ownership of their forests.
“This is the most comprehensive package of legislation aimed at protecting and supporting Vermont’s forests in twenty years,” according to Forest & Wildlife Program Director Jamey Fidel, “VNRC is very pleased that the Governor signed H.857. We applaud the legislature and Commissioner of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Michael Snyder for their leadership on this important issue, and we look forward to building on the positive steps in this bill, and helping communities and landowners benefit from the bill’s provisions.”