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Two Things: Climate Havens, Better Places

Two things: A fascinating radio show discusses climate migration, and you’re invited to learn more about crowdfunding your brilliant idea in the name of your local community.

Stay informed, stay connected. Two things! 

Climate Migration, Climate Havens, and Land Use

Last week on NPR’s On Point, we listened to a compelling show that we highly recommend. Featuring guest Beth Gibbons, Executive Director of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals, the show explores America’s climate havens of the future (which includes Vermont). What makes a place a climate haven? How do municipalities prepare for an influx of people in a changing climate? How does land use planning come into play when creating a plan for growth? What are the costs and risks? Gibbons discusses the challenge cities have meeting the need of incoming climate migrants, while taking care of the residents who are already there, and not exacerbating the climate crisis we are already in. The show highlights forest loss in Vermont, for example, which is one of those risks.

Listen here…

Webinar: Learn How to Create Better Places through Crowdfunding on October 19th

Whether you are dreaming of more parks and green spaces, a vibrant main street, colorful public art projects, community gardens, or cultural events, Better Places grants can help turn your idea into a reality.  Learn more about DHCD’s Better Places program and hear from local leaders in Arlington and White River Junction on how they used crowdfunding to create vibrant public places in their communities. Those who are interested can learn more on Wednesday, October 19th at noon by attending the fall project creator’s webinar. Register here or visit the website to learn more.