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Two Things: Legislative Wrap-Up and Collaborating on Community Climate Solutions

Two Things: Recapping policy progress as the Legislature has adjourned, and inviting you to join VECAN for a summit to collaborate on community climate solutions. 

Stay informed, stay connected – two things. 

That’s a Wrap! Legislature Adjourns After Historic Progress for Vermont’s Environment and Communities 

After a marathon final week, the Vermont Legislature adjourned Friday night and we’re celebrating monumental progress for our environment, climate and communities, as many of our priority policies have advanced and will now head to the Governor. We are tremendously grateful for everyone who has stayed engaged with VNRC’s legislative efforts this session, has contacted their lawmakers to weigh in on the development of these policies, and helped deliver on climate progress for Vermont communities.  

The Legislature has passed bills to hold big oil companies accountable to the cost of climate disruption in Vermont, protect communities from climate-induced flooding, deliver 100% renewable energy by 2035 across all of our utilities, modernize Act 250 to build needed housing and safeguard our natural resources, and protect pollinators from harmful pesticides – we have so much to celebrate! For a more in-depth recap of all of these policies and the months of work to get bills across the finish line this session, we invite you to listen to the most recent Democracy Dispatch podcast episode from Vermont Conservation Voters – a conversation with many of the advocates who have been in the State House working alongside legislators to achieve this important environmental progress. 

You’re Invited! VECAN’s June 1st Summit: Conversation and Collaboration for Community Climate Solutions

The VECAN Spring Summit is all about conversation, collaboration and community – connecting community members and partners hoping to support grassroots energy and climate work. Join us on Saturday, June 1st at Vermont Law & Graduate School for breakfast and networking, and then a day of local energy success stories, peer to peer conversations, small group discussions on timely topics and opportunities for furthering collaboration. We are excited that Ellen Kahler, Executive Director of Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, will be our keynote speaker. She will delve into the opportunities Vermont has for sustainable jobs, to be a state where everyone can thrive and ideas for working together to advance needed climate solutions.